• iStreamlined western blotting

    From electrophoresis to imaging- we have the whole iWestern workflow from Invitrogen. Save hands-on time with the iBlot and iBind devices and image multiple fluorescence channels with iBright. Find out more at SmiLe LabHub, the knowledge base for the SmiLe labs.

  • A whole brain with one click

    With our automated fluorescence microscope, the Pico ImageXpress, you can image a large specimen easily by automatic image acquisition & stitching. Find out more at SmiLe LabHub – our knowledge base for all things lab.

  • How squishy is the cucumber?

    With our texture analyzer you can find out exactly how squishy. You can poke it, bend it, squash it. Or mush it up and put it through our extrusion rig. If you really wanted too. Find out more at SmiLe LabHub – our knowledge base for all things lab.

  • Welcome to SmiLe LabHub- a knowledge base for our labs

    Whether you have a specific question or just what to get an overview- you can quickly find information about our labs & instruments, supplier discounts, SOPs and much more at SmileIncubator.life/smilelabs.

  • Interested in the viscosity of your sample?

    With our rotational viscometer you can measure viscosity in an open beaker with a wide selection of spindles and vanes. Or you can use the standardised 26ml cup with precise temperature control from -45 °C to +175 °C and find out how your sample behaves when temperature changes. Find out…